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Packaging Material

Packs can be made of glass, plastic or carton.
i) Glass Packs
 No environmental contamination during destruction of glass.
 No adverse effect on the product.
 No odour and taste
 Resistance against moisture
 No gas diffusion

 Higher weightthan plastic packs or carton packs, being important for transport.
At present investigations have been done to reduce the weight of glass containers
as much as possible.
 Since glass containers are usually returnable packs, additional room is needed
for storage.
 Additional work for cleaning of returned bottles.
 Glass containers give a bad protection against light-induced flavour changes.
This can be reduced through the corresponding colouring of glass (e.g. brown
 Impossible to print (sticking of advertising labels is possible).
 Larger space is required for sweepings.
 No tigh tclosure (but protects efficiently against external contamination).
ii) Plastic Packs
Plastic packs enjoy today a great popularity.They consist of  polyvinylchloride (PVC),
polyvinylchloride/polyvinylidenchloride(PVC/PVDC),polystyrene (PS),laminated
foils with sarane, or a low pressure polyethylene (LPE).
The PVC and PVDC have a relatively low permeability to water vapour, oxygen,
nitrogen and carbon dioxide. In contrast to this, polystyrene and polyethylene
demonstrate ahigh permeability to oxygen,nitrogen and carbon dioxide.The oxygen tight properties of PVC and PVDC foils make them very suitable materials for
a) Pre-Fabricated Cups (Ready-Made Cups)
The pre-fabricated cups are usually used as packs. The main advantage is a
diversification of packaging the product, e.g. shape, printing and other market
Another advantage is an equal quality of cups. The ready-made cups are tested
for weight,electrostatic properties,strength,homogeneity,etc. and subsequently
packaged into dust-tight carton boxes.A disadvantage of these cups may be
their liability to airborne contamination by undesirable organisms.
(b) Thermoformed Cups
The thermoformed cups are produced in the dairy by using specially designed
equipmentfor automatic cup forming, filling,sealing and punching.
It is interesting to make a comparison between the pre-fabricated cups and the
thermoformed cups from the practical point of view. This is shown below.
c) Automatic Plastic Cup Forming, Filling, Sealing and Punching Machines
Advantages are:
 Lower costs of the packaging materials.
 Firm blown and splinter-proof materials.
 Lower labour costs.

 Gas-tight and light impermeable packs can be obtained by using complex
 Multi packs are possible.
 Small store volume for the packaging foils.
 Heat treatment of the plastic foils andAI lids.
 Aseptic packaging is developed.
Disadvantages are:
 Increased liability to interruption in running of a machine.
 Higher requirements for service personnel.
 Higher costs for maintenance and repair.
 Limitations in the shape of cups.
 Greater investment.
 Small pressure load on cups.
 Waste of the packaging foils and lids.
 Higher energy costs.
d) Automatic Plastic Cup Filling and Capping Machine
Advantages are:
 High safety in operation of a machine.
 Low liability to interruption in running of a machine.
 Low costs for maintenance.
 Low energy costs.
 Higher pressure load on cups.
 Changing cups to different size and shape is possible.
 Gas-tight and high impermeable packs can be installed.
 No waste.
 Aseptic packaging is developed.
Disadvantages are:
 Higher material costs
 Larger store volumes required for the stock of cups.
 Certain store volumes required for the stock of cups.
 Certain machines require a separate punching unit.
 Increased labour expenses
iii) Waxed Carton Packs
 Carton packs coated with paraffin have been somewhat displaced by
plastic packs. Carton packs have the following advantages:

 Can be very nicely printed.
 They have light-weight
 Not-returnable.
 No problems in the utilization of sweepings.
Disadvantages are:
 Dis colouration of the internal part of containers caused by certain fruit
base (e.g. partial blue dis colouration with bilberry yoghurt).
 Eventual occurrence of the paper taste.
iv) Combined Materials and Laminated Foils
The favorable price, weight and stability of a paper can be combined with
advantages of other packaging materials in order to obtain a material with new
characteristics. Many packs developed at present have been based on the
combination of papers and cartons with AI foils and plastic foils.
Suitable combinations of different plastic foils may be interesting, too. Such
laminated foils have the following advantages: gas and moisture tight, the
possibility for hot filling of yoghurt after pasteurization, the maintenance of
increased storage life of the product, a high structural strength of pack, special
protection against light, etc.
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About Chandan Pathak

"Chandan Pathak is Graduate in Engineering with Core B.tech in Dairy Technology.He is well known personality in Dairy Industry with many years of professional services with greatest Industry Brands in India e.g Amul, GSK-India, Ananda and several more. He is a also passionate writer which help many professional's, students to get help regarding career and support for growth for dairy development along with full technical support for enterpreneur's all over the world."